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It's Easter, and one of my Critique Partners (Bronwen Evans) just hit the USA Today Best Seller List so I'm feeling in the mood for a celebratory beverage. What's nicer than combining chocolate and alcohol! Mmmm, chocolate and alcohol. Thanks to Wiki, and patient taste testing by moi, here is the easiest Chocolate Martini recipe and the perfect way to celebrate...anything!
Now, if we're honest, a Chocolate Martini isn't really a Martini...there's certainly very little of the shaken not stirred dry shiver you'd get from a Bond version of the cocktail, but we're not being sticklers for tradition here, and...chocolate! Happy Easter everyone. ![]() We had an epic storm here this week and power was out. So no computers and by the time power came back on I had run out of child free time. Instead of writing, I therefore made cake. A while back I offered to make a birthday cake for a friend's daughter's birthday party. It turned into a bit of an epic cakeathon and a lovely mermaid was the result. (You can see her on my facebook page) But that turned into me saying yes to another cake for another birthday party, and thus, my weekend was full. Full of gold coins, bounty, pirates and general chocolate treasure! Given that loads of people ate it with happy munchiness, asked me to and it was relatively straight forward, I thought I'd share the step by step of it here. Hope you enjoy! ![]() Happy Halloweeeeen! Because I'm all about treats, rather than tricks, I thought I'd share my (world famous in my street) Halloween mallow ghosts. This is about getting wicked as well as trick or treating, and there is nothing more deliciously wicked than the taste of sugar whipped into airy peaky perfection. Personally I would serve the adult version of these with cream too - ideally chocolate cream. Oh. Yes. |
Michele de WintonBeing a writer was not was I was supposed to be when I ‘grew up' but then neither was being a dancer. My poor parents. They thought that when I toddled off to law school they'd bred a responsible, useful adult and instead they got a performer and word junkie. But words really are my drug. Oh and yoga, food, sunshine, hot love scenes, my boys, chocolate and happy endings. Categories